Getting Started with Payment Labs

This guide from Payment Labs provides instructions for securely integrating payins and payouts into your platform, including creating and submitting payments, onboarding payees, and accepting payments via cards and bank transfers.

Welcome to Payment Labs!

This guide will help you get started with integrating payins and payouts onto your platform in a secure and compliant manner.

Making Payouts

To make payouts there are two things that you need. A valid, compliant, and payable payee along with a payment. Check out the detailed guides below on how to get started on each of those.

Creating Payees

A payee is an individual (person) or business that can be paid from our platform. In order for a payment to be sent out to a payee, they need to be payable. That means that they have onboarded with all the required information necessary. This includes some basic personal information (name, phone number, physical address, etc.), have added at least one valid payment method, and if you have a tax module enabled, have completed their tax information.

There are a few ways a payee can do the above.

  • If you're using the Payment Labs portal, once a payment is added to a payee they will receive an email and they can follow the instructions in the email to set up their account access and follow the prompts to add all the required information.
  • If you're using the widget, follow the detailed guide for Getting Started with the Payee Widget.
  • If you want to create payees yourself through our API, please Contact Us.

Creating Payments

In other to create payments, first you need to Create A Batch. A batch is an easy way to group payments such as weekly pay runs, tournaments, events, etc. While you mostly just need a name and a defaultPaymentCategory to create a batch, you are also able to override the taxJurisdiction while creating a batch. Please note that while payments can have their own paymentCategory and taxJurisdiction specified at the time of creation, they will default to the configuration on the batch where the payments are placed. You can learn more about payment categories and tax jurisdictions in our In-Depth Tax Guide.

Once you have a batch, you can get started Creating Payments.

You can create payments for the payee at any time, even if they're not payable or have never been entered into a batch before. If they were never entered into a batch before then they'll receive an invitation via email to onboard. Once payments are created, they will be in DRAFT status and need to be submitted in order for the payee to receive their payment.

Submitting Payments

A payment can be submitted once the payee associated with that payment is payable, which means they have completed onboarding.

Please note you're also able to submit a payment for a non-payable payee if you set the autoSubmit flag. Doing so will actually schedule the payment to go out as soon as the payee becomes payable.

It's important to note that once a payment is submitted, this action cannot be undone. Some payment methods might have a recall option available, while others might not, so please contact support if this is needed for an accidental payment being submitted.

Accepting Payments

You can get started accepting payments via cards (credit/debit) and bank transfers by using the Create Checkout API endpoint. This will generate a checkout session. On that API response there is a links property with embeddable and checkout links. The embeddable link can be loaded into an iframe within your platform while the checkout link can be sent to your buyer in order for them to make the payment.

More more details checkout the Getting Started with Accepting Payments guide.