Please check the common webhook information at Webhoot Events for a general understanding of the webhook workflow and payload.
This event is triggered whenever a batch is created.
Payload (object)
- id (string) Batch id
- payorId (string) Payor id
- referenceId (string) An unique identifier to cross reference between systems, this unique identifier should reference the payment grouping in your system
- name (string) An easily identifiable label for both the payor and payee - e.g. Weekly Pay-Run, Weekend Tournament, etc.
- taxJurisdiction (enum) Tax rules to apply to each payment
- fi
- us
- none
- defaultPaymentCategory (enum) The default payment category to associate to payments being added to the batch. There may be tax implications depending on the value of the taxation jurisdiction and the payment category.
- online-esport-prize
- in-person-esport-prize
- athlete-prize
- online-misc-prize
- online-contest-prize
- in-person-misc-prize
- in-person-contest-prize
- remote-contractors
- in-person-contractors
- reimbursement
- archived (string) A flag determining if this batch is archived
- onboarded (string) Percentage of payees who are payable for this batch
- totalAmount (number) Total amount of all payments in the batch
- totalPaid (number) Total amount of all payments in the batch that have been paid
- totalUnpaid (number) Total amount of all payments in the batch that have not been paid
- auditInfo (object) - Information about this record
- createdBy (string) - User who created this record
- updatedBy (string) - User who updated this record
- updatedAt (Date) - Last update date
- createdAt (Date) - Date of creation
id: 'string',
payorId: 'string',
referenceId: 'string',
name: 'string',
taxJurisdiction: [
archived: boolean,
onboarded: number,
totalAmount: number,
totalPaid: number,
totalUnpaid: number,
auditInfo: {
createdBy: 'string',
updatedBy: 'string',
updatedAt: Date,
createdAt: Date,